Seed library


Black Soldier Fly Larvae such as Hermetia Illucens are becoming increasingly interesting in the research for protein-enriched fat and meal. By pressing the dried larvae with a screw press, we obtain a high quality fat allowing to be an alternative to the usual oils including palm kernel oils or coconut oils often decried for environmental reasons.

The Olexa expeller is perfectly adapted to oil extraction from insects since it can be equipped with a cooling system (shaft & cage) thus avoiding a rise in oil temperature and the degradation of the nutritional quality of the oil.

A refining process of the resulting insect fat is required in order to improve the visual and odorous quality and also to remove allergen protein residues from the oil. Extracted and refined oil complies with standards of edible oils and fats. Insect meal, a source of protein, is also a new challenge in the research of alternative animal meals.

For more information or if you need a solution for the pressing of black soldier larvae, please contact us.